Adjustable Pendant Lights to Help Bring You More Light in the Kitchen


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Nov 19, 2023

Adjustable Pendant Lights to Help Bring You More Light in the Kitchen

By April 29, 2023 12:00 am ET Listen (3 min) HAVE YOU ever yearned to yank the ceiling light in your kitchen closer to the radishes you’re julienning? Cursed the shadow you cast between an overhead


April 29, 2023 12:00 am ET


(3 min)

HAVE YOU ever yearned to yank the ceiling light in your kitchen closer to the radishes you’re julienning? Cursed the shadow you cast between an overhead fixture and your cutting board? Adjustable pendants can get you out of your own way. “At their highest, they provide ambient lighting,” said Sara Bird, a stylist and the co-author with Dan Duchars of the newly published “Retreats for the Soul” (Ryland Peters & Small). And at their lowest position, she says, they focus lighting and act as a task light.

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