5 Frequently Asked Questions About Outdoor Lighting


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5 Frequently Asked Questions About Outdoor Lighting

SPONSORED May 5, 2023, 10:17 AM | Updated: 11:15 am Photo: Adobe Stock BY LIGHTING DESIGN KSLTV.com This article about outdoor lighting is sponsored by Lighting Design. Outdoor lighting has the power


May 5, 2023, 10:17 AM | Updated: 11:15 am

Photo: Adobe Stock



This article about outdoor lighting is sponsored by Lighting Design.

Outdoor lighting has the power to transform your home. It sets the stage for your first impression as people enter through the front, lighting up your entryway or address numbers. It also helps you set the mood for outdoor parties and dinners during warm evenings that are better spent outside.

You might have many questions about outdoor lighting before you start shopping. Keep reading for the most frequently asked questions to help narrow your search as you prepare to illuminate your home after the sun sets.

Photo: Adobe Stock

There are several different types of outdoor lighting, including spotlights, flood lights, up and down lights, step lights, garden lights, string lights, and bollard lights. In addition, there are wall-mount lights and motion sensor lights.

The type of lighting you purchase depends on your space, budget, and goals. People often highlight key features like trees, plants, and pathways. You may also need more practical solutions, such as garage and front door lighting, to help you find your way in the dark.

These types of lighting all serve different purposes. Take your time while shopping and ask a lot of questions to sales representatives to ensure you are getting the right fit for your property. You want your outdoor space to have a comfortable, cozy, and welcoming feeling like the rest of the home.

Here are some other tips for finding the right outdoor lighting fixtures for your home.

The design of your lighting fixtures should complement the design of your home. Feature architectural elements of your home, such as windows, steps, and the roof. To make your area welcoming and comfortable, avoid lights that are too bright.

Spotlights and downlights highlight features of your yard or pathways without casting light anywhere else. String lights create a fun, intimate ambiance and are great crowd-pleasers for hosting parties.

Use flood lights in areas you want to keep secure, such as carports or outside your fence. Outdoor fans usually come equipped with an overhead light to circulate the air, helping to keep your area cool during the day or illuminated at night.

Read for more about elements of outdoor lighting design.

Photo: Adobe Stock

Look for the materials, wattage, and maintenance when shopping for lighting fixtures. Materials should be rust and weather-resistant to withstand heat, sun, cold weather, and precipitation.

Plastic is the most affordable but the least durable and will likely need to be replaced over time. Brass and copper are long-lasting materials but do patina over time and are typically a little more costly. Stainless steel and powder-coated aluminum are durable options that are more affordable.

People often overlook the color temperature of outdoor bulbs. 2700 K’s warm glow brings soft shadows and cozy vibes to the outdoor atmosphere. LED lights use less energy, and you can choose the color temperature you want.

The cost of outdoor lighting varies significantly for each property. Your home has unique features, styles, and quirks, so your budget can have a wide range. In general, though, most homeowners pay between $2,000–$5,000 for outdoor lighting.

Wall-mount and spotlights typically range from $100–300 per unit, and wall sconces can reach up to $600 each. Hanging pendants vary greatly between $200–$2,000, and chandeliers usually fall between $1,000–$3,000. In general, LED lights are more affordable.

Just like your interior lighting fixtures need regular dusting, you should also maintain your outdoor lighting for longevity. Periodic cleaning and dusting can ensure you get the most out of your investment.

You should also ensure the wiring is secure. Install it underground wherever possible so people do not trip over it. And, like your interior lights, you must regularly replace the bulbs. Outdoor lights are more susceptible to water damage and spiderwebs, so check them periodically.

Ready to start shopping? Check out Lighting Design’s outdoor lighting fixtures for your home today.

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